June 20, 2016
Before we traveled to Haiti, I bought children's scrubs for our boys and had their names embroidered on them. They were called little doctors all day at the clinic and they loved their clothes. I asked Davidson the other day if he still had his scrubs and he told me that he did. They had Spider-man and Ninja Turtle shoes also. They even had their on medical bags with a play doctor set that Christy had bought them and packed for them. They were little doctors at the medical clinic.
Getting packed to go to the clinic
Dressed and ready for the day in their scrubs.
Davidson handed out candy to our patients and was very helpful. He made sure my interpreter had candy, too.
Dr. Davidson Miskelly
Dr. Cherdinor Miskelly
You must get your immunizations before going to Haiti!!!
The boys were so helpful and even helped me with my big medical bag that was bigger then the both of them. Wanted to hide them in the bag and take them home but thought I better not.
Both boys exhausted on the way back to the guest house and zonked.
Cherdinor did cry on the way back to the orphanage and that was the first time that either had cried when we left them. It literally broke my heart. All I could do was take them by to get some ice cream to dry the tears.
I will post again when I have some news. Nothing really since the middle of July. Fingerprinting again will be coming up next month.
We sure do miss these boys.
R. Scott Miskelly