Christmas is coming quickly and we finally have the house decorated for this joyful time. The only thing missing are our two boys from Haiti to make our family complete. We have hung their stockings at the fireplace so that Santa will know they are coming, but sadly they will not be with us on Christmas Morning to join in the festivities. Our hope and prayer is that they will be with us next Christmas, and we will leave that in God's powerful hands. I will put a picture of that fireplace and notice the CCM stocking and DCM stocking on the end will make us a family of seven total. Some people count our dog Lucy as eight, but she is not going to get into the official count in my book.

We also received two more pictures of the boys that were taken within the month. These pictures are always awesome for us because we can keep their photo books up to date. They are growing each day and it is hard for us to see them grow up without us, but we know we will make up for lost time when they get here and give them the love and attention that every child needs.
Davidson (November 2013)
Cherdinor (November 2013)
On 12/15/13 it will make 15 months now that our paperwork has been in IBESR with no movement. I do not know if we are in that department or waiting on the President's desk for dispensation but if we will get dispensation and out of IBESR at the first of this next year maybe they will get home by next Christmas. This is our prayer every day. It will be time once again at the beginning of next year to update our fingerprints and get our I-600A updated to stay current until we can go further in this process. Everything on our end is completed and we just have to wait.
Thanks to everyone following our blog for the continued prayers and for the nice comments that you have sent our way. We will do our best to keep you updated this next year as things develop.
Merry Christmas to all!!!!!!!!!!!